Stonewall Forever

”50 years ago, in a tiny bar called the Stonewall Inn. LGBTQ people fought back against years of oppression. Today the legacy of the Stonewall Riots lives on around the world in every Pride march and in every member of the LGBTQ community. This monument lives so we all can explore this crucial history and add our own piece to the ever growing story.”
- Stonewall Forever, 2019


A year ago the online memorial of the Stonewall Riots was launched. This is an exquisite presentation of a landmark event that has been crucial to the history of the lgbtqi+ movement. I believe every queer person should explore these events as I think they means tremendously for the understanding of the global lgtqi+ movement today. Since it isn’t taught in schools (which I find quite remarkable) this online memorial is even more important.

Let’s honour yesterday’s queer heroes as well as celebrate the queer warriors of today. Queer visibility will change the world and every queer act, breath, kiss is a step on that path of change. ✊🏿✊🏾✊🏽✊🏼✊🏻

Makz Bjuggfält


My brother


Lill-Zlatan och morbror raring